Modern Guide to Loving your Photos

When it comes to finding the best way to display artwork (that’s what this is after all), there are a few popular options. My recommendation to you is to pick the ways that bring you the most lasting enjoyment. After all, photos are a luxury we should get to benefit from.

1. Digital- The Modern Way, But…

Social media posts are a great way to announce milestones in your life to your friends and family. It feels good to get likes and know that you’re supported. It’s important for people to know who you are online in order to grow your friend network. Being able to pull up a picture to show off anywhere is also amazing. However, there is a downside of keeping your pictures in the cloud or on your phone. If we aren’t careful we fall into the trap of rarely looking at them. Before you know it, it’ll be like we never had the picture in the first place. You know what they say: “out of sight, out of mind”

2. Wall Art- How many people actually hang pictures these days?

What If I told you there was a way to brighten up any wall in your house by doing one simple thing? Hanging a picture on the wall can light up a room while bringing a smile to your face every time you pass. For those of us with loved ones and family, how much better of a reminder can you have? Friends coming over? I guarantee they love seeing artwork too.

3. Photo Albums- I love showing friends.

Whenever I feel like revisiting a favorite memory, I go and pull out one of my albums. They say pictures are worth a thousand words! I say when you tell a story via pictures, the best way is with a book. Having an album is a great way to organize portraits and event pictures. There’s a reason why wedding albums have become a staple.

No matter what option you go with, quality pictures will always be something of desire. Make sure you get the most out of yours!